The Brave Parrot


In this graceful adaptation of a Jataka tale by Chinna Chilaka, a raging fire threatens to burn down a forest. All the animals and birds flee in fear, except for one brave little parrot. Is the courage of one small bird enough to save a forest?The simple and unpretentious illustrations are the result of a drawing workshop conducted at Isha Home School in Coimbatore with children aged between 6 and 8.

The Brave Parrot

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SKU: 978-81-9365-421-7

15 in stock

Rs. 399.00

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    In this graceful adaptation of a Jataka tale by Chinna Chilaka, a raging fire threatens to burn down a forest. All the animals and birds flee in fear, except for one brave little parrot. Is the courage of one small bird enough to save a forest?The simple and unpretentious illustrations are the result of a drawing workshop conducted at Isha Home School in Coimbatore with children aged between 6 and 8.


      The Brave Parrot


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