
Teaches life cycles & sequencing. The growth puzzle shows the transition from birth to adulthood in various phases. This is a great game for children to recognize various sequences in the growth of an animal. The puzzle shows growth of butterfly, hen, frog and man. The plastic knob on the pieces makes it easy for little fingers to lift the pieces. Each knob has a grip that is made for the easy manipulation of the pieces. These knobs also make the puzzles ideal for children with impaired motor skills. Inset tray puzzles from little genius toys Pvt. Ltd. Are unique: Each puzzle has a built-in tray which provides a stable base while the child is playing and also serves as a container preventing scattering and the loss of pieces when not in use.


Product form

SKU: LC-02
Barcode: 8.90418E+12

2 in stock

Rs. 845.00


      Teaches life cycles & sequencing. The growth puzzle shows the transition from birth to adulthood in various phases. This is a great game for children to recognize various sequences in the growth of an animal. The puzzle shows growth of butterfly, hen, frog and man. The plastic knob on the pieces makes it easy for little fingers to lift the pieces. Each knob has a grip that is made for the easy manipulation of the pieces. These knobs also make the puzzles ideal for children with impaired motor skills. Inset tray puzzles from little genius toys Pvt. Ltd. Are unique: Each puzzle has a built-in tray which provides a stable base while the child is playing and also serves as a container preventing scattering and the loss of pieces when not in use.




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