Adjective-noun-verb sorting activity


This activity will give a clear understanding of differnece between noun, verb and adjectives to kids. The kids need to sort the elements as per noun, verb and adjectives. The back side of the mats also contains rewritable practice activity on the same topic. This pack also includes 30 flashcards activity to differentiate between noun, verb and adjective.

Adjective-noun-verb sorting activity

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SKU: DB Adjective-noun-verb sorting AC

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Rs. 499.00

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    This activity will give a clear understanding of differnece between noun, verb and adjectives to kids. The kids need to sort the elements as per noun, verb and adjectives. The back side of the mats also contains rewritable practice activity on the same topic. This pack also includes 30 flashcards activity to differentiate between noun, verb and adjective.


      Adjective-noun-verb sorting activity


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